Friday, June 20, 2008

Livi's ER visit

On Wednesday Livi started to run a fever. Right around lunch time it was a low grade fever, so I thought maybe it was her teeth bothering her. It crept up a little higher as the afternoon went on. My mom gave her Tylenol and by the time I got home from work it was low again. She sat at the little table we have and ate dinner and was then running around and playing.

I had somewhere to go with my mom and Karen, so Denise came down to keep an eye on Livi so I didn't have to take her with me. I dropped Juli off with Joseph so she could play with Katie and to keep those two away from Livi just in case she was getting sick.

At about 8pm Denise called me and told me that Livi had just woke up and her fever was 105.5. She had already called the pediatrician and got the on-call doctor from their partner group. He recommended that she take her to the ER to get it checked out.

I met Denise at the Emergency Room, ironically we pulled into the parking lot from opposite directions at the same exact time! We double parked and I ran over to get Livi. As soon as Denise pulled her out of the car and handed her to me, she vomited all over both of us. I'm sure they could smell us coming. It was horrible!

Once we got into the ER, they ran a bunch of tests and gave Livi motrin to bring down her fever. The tests were horrible. Livi cried hysterically the whole time, breaking my heart. She was good though. Although she was crying, she did lay still and let them do what they needed to do. After getting the blood and urine sample, they needed to do a chest x-ray to make sure everything was okay in there. They brought the x-ray machine into the room and sat the bed up. They told me to sit Livi on the bed with her back against what I assume was the x-ray films. I sat her down and she started to cry. The x-ray tech said to her, "Oh no sweetie, we're just going to take a picture." To which Livi replied, "Cheese."

She took a nap while we waited for the results. Right before the pediatrician came in she woke up and drank a whole glass of water. The pediatrician came in blowing bubbles and Livi perked up a little.

The test results came back fine. All of her counts were fine, no urinary tract infection. The fevers seemed to be just a virus. We were told to take her home and rotate Tylenol and Motrin and do lots of fluids.

This picture is from my camera phone. Denise took another picture with my camera, but I haven't taken them off yet.

I have a few "Thank yous" to make:
  • Cici - Thanks for your quick call to the pediatrician and for hanging out with us at the hospital.
  • Uncle Joe - for keeping Juli busy with Katie and getting her ready for bed.
  • Uncle Frankie - for picking up Nonna and Karen where I left them.
  • Nonna - for bringing Juli home and getting her to bed.

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