Sunday, December 21, 2008

Here Comes Santa Clause!

Livi liked him much better last year! She was all excited to go see Santa, until she got right in front of him, then she freaked out. We put her on his lap anyway, that's what you're supposed to do isn't it??

Juli on the other hand walked right up, hopped on his lap and told him what she wanted for Christmas. She would have stayed all day if we let her!


Amber said...

LOL! At least you did get Livi in the picture. Lauren kept running away, WMP. It's still so cute.

Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

You have to have at least one picture with a crying baby in it! LOL. I just realized Juli got her hair cut too. I guess we all had the same idea! (I'll update our blog soon!)

Jen said...

Love the picture!!! I do have to say that Juli looks so grown up with her shorter hair - totally chic! Livi is just adorable with her crying!!! The girls are so precious Sandy!