Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Livi Learns to Sleep

We have been doing CIO ('Cry It Out' or Ferberizing, for those that don't know is a way for her to learn how to self-soothe and fall asleep on her own) with Livi for almost a week now. Naps are still not going that great. I had a hard time with her with naps this past weekend too. I'm not too concerned about naps right now as long as she is going to sleep on her own at night. We'll keep working on the naps.

Tonight I took Livi up, put on her PJs, etc. When I went to put her in her crib I fully expected some crying if even just a minute like the last 3 nights. She laid right down, rolled on her belly and didn't make a peep! YAY!! I am so happy you cannot even understand!!! I know this is typical for most babies her age, but not for us. Juli is and was so hard to get to sleep that this is simply amazing to me! Livi has always been a good sleeper as far as sleeping goes, she just needed to be held to go to sleep. Once she was asleep she pretty much stayed asleep all night, unless she had an ear infection or a tooth popping through or something.

Here's hoping for continuing success with this!!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Yay, Livi! That is awesome!

Once she is used to it at night, she will get better for naps too!