Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Update on Juli and her tonsils.

We went for Juli's follow up yesterday. We had ordered her the book "Goodbye Tonsils" in which the little girl is named Juliana (spelled differently). Juli LOVED the book and we read it to her SO many times. Well last week out of the blue she told James that when she went back to Dr. Isaacs (his name is really Dr. Isaacson, but that's what she calls him) she wanted to give the book to another kid getting their tonsils out so they can be brave like she was. So we took her book with us.

When we went in she was holding the book and Dr. Isaacson said, oooh Goodbye Tonsils, what a great book. I told her told her to tell him what she wanted to do with it and she said, "Give it to someone else to make them brave like me!" (Awww) He said to her, "That's a GREAT idea! We'll put it right in our office where everyone can see it!" She was all smiles after that!!

He told me she still sounded a little nasular (spelling?) and he had her say a few words like Candy and some others I can't remember. He said that when she said those words and worked on pronunciation she was able to overcome it, so it should fade in a few weeks. I asked about the high pitch of her voice and he said it's hers and it's here to stay. He explained that we are just used to hearing her sound so nasal and blocked up, but this is her voice. He asked if she was still snoring and I told him that she doesn't even make a sound when she sleeps!

He asked how long she had to take the tylenol with codeine. I told him 2 days, we stopped b/c she was really fighting us and she did much better with the regular tylenol. He said that was great. He said, "his kids" don't have that much pain anymore since he uses tonsillar coblation (spelling?), the way they used to do it before they had to be on the narcotic pain killers for AT LEAST 10 days! EEK! So glad we didn't have to deal with that! He said everything looked great and her ears looked good too! I asked if she could eat whatever she wanted now or if she was still restricted in anyway and he said "nope, she is a free woman!"

After seeing him we headed in for a hearing test. We went into the sound proof booth and Juli sat in a chair and I sat behind her. The audiologist put headphones on Juli and told her to repeat whatever she said, then she left the booth. It was actually pretty funny. The booth was dead silent and then I would just hear Juli say, "BASEBALL!" "ICE CREAM!" "MAILMAN!". I could tell when the audiologist would say things lower because Juli would whisper them too!

After that the audiologist came back in and "played a game" with Juli. They put another set of headphones on and she gave Juli a bunch of wooden blocks and a basket. She told her to put the block to her ear (whichever one they were working on at the time) and when she heard beeps to throw them in the basket. Every time Juli heard a beep and threw a block the audiologist cheered for her. She was loving it! I was watching her finger on the button and I think Juli got them all. She said she did very well.

We have to go back in October for a follow up for her tubes. Other than that she is free to eat whatever she wants including red stuff and crunchy scratchy stuff. Last night she had a little treat, and I don't think I have ever seen anyone so happy to have a potato chip!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

That is so awesome! Go, Juli!