Saturday, April 12, 2008

Goodbye Tonsils

Juli finally got those horrible tonsils out yesterday. Here she is getting in the car to go to the hospital. Yeah, that looks like a nervous smile... can't say I blame her. I'm sure mine wouldn't have been much better right then.

After what seemed like forever we were finally in triage. In our bed area, they had a video game system. Juli was excited and wanted to play a game. Unfortunately football was the game that was on. She lost interest quickly!

She got to change into some hospital issue PJs.

James and Juli just waiting around.

Sandy and Juli.

They gave Juli some "silly juice" to help relax her and sedate her in order to ease the separation anxiety and help her when she went back to the operating room. She fought us on taking it, but once it was down, she was happy. Actually she was downright silly.

Everything was funny and she kept giggling and playing around. After a while she did get tired and just layed down and smiled a lot.

Here is her message to the doctor, while hopped up on "silly juice."

This is what Juli looked like when I found her in recovery, although this picture was taken when we first got to her room. A nurse was getting us settled when another one walked in. The second nurse goes, "Oh look, she's got T&A". James says, "T&A?". The nurse laughs and says, "Yeah, T&A Face, tonsils and adnoids..."

Thankfully that face went away and although still puffy and having a hard time talking Juli got progressively better as the day went on. She even found the energy to get on playhouse disney for a few minutes.

Later on that night she even ate a few bites of bread and some vanilla pudding.

I guess that was the boost she needed. Shortly after she wanted to go for a walk. Every nurse we passed loved her froggy robe and slippers with the little bells on them.

Juli had a pulse/oxygen monitor that they put on her toe. The light from the monitor made her toe glow bright red. We kept calling her rudolph the red toe girl or "glow-toe."

Later on we had some fun with play-doh. We made faces and pirate ships and tons of other stuff. She had a great time and it kept her mind off of her throat.

Just relaxing before bedtime.

This pretty face is MUCH better than the T&A face!!

She ate a little bit and drank enough so they let us go home this morning. I think being at home will be good for her. The nurses woke her every 4 hours for her medicine, which we will have to do also. They also woke her to take vitals, etc. in between. So needless to say Juli, James and I did not get much sleep last night!

We were discharged early this morning and with the exception of fighting us on medicines, Juli is doing good! She drank plenty today. She also ate a bunch. Tonight for dinner she wanted pizza, so we got her a white slice from Peace a Pizza and she ate 1/4 to 1/2 of the slice. She also had a full container of yogurt, some ice cream and plenty of other soft stuff. She also played outside for a while and had a great time watching thousands of bubbles, thanks to the bubble machine Mom Mom bought for her.

We made it through the first two days. The doctor said days 3-5 are usually the worst. Hopefully she will continue to do as well as she has been.


Danielle said...

What a big girl she is! She looks like she did really well! I hope the next few days go well for you too!

Kimberly said...

I am so glad she is doing SO well!! Love the play by play and the video of course! YEAH Juli!

Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

I am glad she's feeling much better!! We are coming up to help my dad move on Saturday. I am thinking that won't be too long so I was thinking about having Maddie stop by later in the afternoon for those games of Candyland that we promised Juli!!

PS - I hope she's gotten better with the meds for you!!