Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Princess for a Day

Ok, so I know it's supposed to be "Wordless Wednesday" and I'll get to that tonight - no unseen pictures here at work with me. Although I should have taken one yesterday.

Yesterday, I did something I swore I wouldn't do. I left the house with my child wearing a floppy spongy princess crown, carrying a straw bag/purse, and wearing socks with her crocs. Yes, I was that mom. She was wearing socks because we were going to look for sneakers for her, which we did not get by the way. The other attire was purely her choice and it was easier and less time consuming to let her wear it.

I was hoping she would leave it in the car once we got to the store. Alas, she did not. I actually put the straw bag on the floor of the car as I took her out of her carseat hoping she would forget. As I went to shut the door, she yells, "OH NO! MY POCKETBAG!" (I'm guessing this is what she's calling pocketbooks these days.) So she proudly wore her pocketbag and crown into the store.

Wearing the crown did earn her 3 Disney Princess stickers from the salesgirl. Great, like she needed more encouragement.

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