Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Juli has some kind of strange accent/language going on. Who knows where it came from. She says some things that I think are pretty funny/cute. I know I won't remember them later on in life, so I think its time to start jotting them down somewhere. Here we go...

Open. Easy enough to say, right? Juli says Eww-pen. "Eww-pen it for me peas." She has always said it that way and I don't think its going to change anytime soon.

Milk. In Juli-ese this becomes Nuk. She can say it right. She has said it right. She simply refuses. I think she just likes calling it Nuk. Yesterday we passed a piano store. She told me she wanted to go in and see the pianos. I thought to myself, wow, maybe she'll want to play; we can get her lessons. She can be a world class pianist. She then told me she wanted to go in and bang on them all with her Nuk cup. Ok, maybe she'll be part of a demolition crew instead. lol.

Dressed. We get dressed. Juli gets bressed. This one is funny, but has the potential to be highly embarrassing should she want to get bressed while we are out in public. She calls all shirts and dresses her bress. Not too bad, unless you over hear her talking about it in say, Target or something. Like the time she told me her bress was too small and she needed a new one. She saw a shirt she liked and decided the one she had on was too small, but of course she doesn't say shirt. She basically said, "Mommy, my bress is too small. I need new one." Luckily, I don't think there were a lot of people around to hear her having a fit about her too-small bress.

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