Friday, July 27, 2007


Juli and I went to Target the other night and she wanted to go on the alligator. What??? Alligators at Target?!? Relax, she means elevator.

For some reason she always calls it an alligator. We have corrected her many many times and she CAN say elevator. She just calls it an alligator. She also calls the escalator the same thing, but she really likes to get on the escalator. She's a little nervous about elevators. We usually don't go on the escalator, since we usually have Olivia and it's a pain to take her seat on and off the cart, so we just take the elevator. I tell her when we come without Olivia, she can go on the escalator. So the other night Juli and I were alone, as soon as she saw the escalator she said, "Mommy, I ride the alligator?". Sure kid, knock yourself out.

That's my Juli - "the girl who rides alligators".

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