Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy 4 Months, Miss Emmi!

It's so hard to believe that Emmi is already 4 months old as of the 25th!  She's a good baby.  She's happy most of the time.  She's basically happy unless she's hungry and then she turns to Angry Emmi.  She goes from Happy to Angry Emmi in about 60 seconds.  Which is kind of funny because she doesn't eat much.  She's still only eating 4 oz at a time.

Here's Happy Emmi:

We went to the doctor for her 4 month well visit and so the girls could get their flu shots.  Here's Emmi's stats for the month:

Weight 13lb 2oz
Height 24.5in long

 She loved all the attention at the doctor's office.  She smiled and cooed.  She even rolled over on cue.  This kid is a pip.  She did great with her shots too.  Her reaction was delayed enough that I wasn't even sure she was going to cry.  She was just smiling and staring at me for about 30 seconds before she started screaming bloody murder.  Poor thing.  At least it was just her.  I got smart this time and sent the two big girls out of the room while she got her shots so they didn't cry and get scared with her like they did last time.  (No shots for them, they got the nasal mist for the flu shots.)

Disclaimer: That is not dirt on her blanket, it's shadows.  I just realized the shadows and the filter from instagram make it look like it's dirty.

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