Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cherry Crest Adventure Farm

Last week we took a ride out to Lancaster to visit Cherry Crest Adventure Farm.  The weather was great and I knew they would have their fall stuff starting up.

Our little Corny Cobs checking their height to see which attractions they could go on.

We had a great time!  I didn't remember them having animals in a petting zoo type of environment, but they do.  They had adorable little goats.  The baby ones were SO cute.  I wanted to hide one in the basket of our stroller and bring it home!  The babies or "kids" jump the fence to come out and play with the human kids.  They really were so stinkin' cute!!  The girls also got to hold baby chicks.  They were super soft.  Juli said their claws felt funny on her hand. 

Feeding the kids.

Holding baby chicks

The Strasburg Railroad runs right through the farm.  We didn't get as chance to go for a ride, we ran out of time. Hopefully we will get a chance to go back and do that.  It was really neat to see though.

The girls did get to go for a ride on a little tractor train though... not quite the same, but still fun.

 Emmi loves being outside.  If she's outside she's happy.

They had these neat pedal cart things. The girls went on them a few times.  They were cute.  They also had mini ones in the middle section there for little toddler size kids.

Of course we had to do the Amazing Maize Maze while we where there.  We did the easy path, which was basically sticking to the perimeter.  I was afraid to try another route when I saw that some families had spent 3+ hours in there.  The record was like 6.5 hours.  NO thank you!

Before we left, we had to head back to say goodbye to these animals.  This llama was kind of crazy so no one really went near him.  James must have felt bad for him and decided to feed him.  Oh how I wish I had video.  It was hysterical.  The llama was trying to get the food out of the little machine with it's tongue before James could even get it out.  

This was a perfect family fun day!  We couldn't have asked for better weather and we had the best time!

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