Friday, September 27, 2013

Back to Blogging

I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up with the blog, but I thought I would give it another go.  I'm on facebook and it's easy to share there but I like to have a place to go back and see what the girls were up to, what they were doing and saying.  The blog makes it easy to go back and cry reminisce. So now that we have a new baby to ooh and ahh over, I think I'll try to document her life and more of the bigger girls' happenings here.

I'll apologize to my friends and family on facebook, since you'll probably see a lot of the same stuff/pictures in both places but I know some people aren't on facebook and some people won't check out the blog.

I'm just going to ease into it and start with a picture this time.

 This is the girls at Cherry Crest Adventure farm a few weeks ago. 

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