Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Singing In the Rain

Over the weekend we were playing outside when the rain rolled in. The girls were having fun playing in the water table and didn't want to go in. They were already wet from the water table, so we figured why not let them play in the rain a little bit. We thought it would be a passing shower but it turned into a downpour!!

Juli and Katie didn't seem to mind !
Notice all of our pictures were taken from inside the nice dry garage!

Look at me, I'm playing in the rain!!

After a little while we decided to get everyone inside and get warm PJs on the girls. They decided to make "camp" under my kitchen table.
Juli just could not escape Livi.

Katie was under there too. She was hiding in the corner under the "blanket" which happened to be a sweatshirt! LOL

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Look at those turkeys in the rain!! SO cute!