Saturday, August 29, 2009

Big Girl Bed!

A while back we converted Livi's crib to a toddler bed. She was having a hard time falling asleep at night and she wanted us to sit with her. She did stay in her bed all night once she was asleep. Just getting her to sleep was the problem. Well we really couldn't sit on the toddler bed with her, so we decided to go for a REAL big girl bed. We took her to pick out her new sheets. She picked princesses, of course. Then to pick up her bed. We came home and she helped James take apart her crib, or her "pibby" as she called it.

Once that was all done, in went the big girl bed.

She loved it! Once the sheets were on she kept saying, "It's beautiful! It's my beautiful big girl bed!"

I did have to sit with her, and she did ask for her pibby once, but she went to sleep pretty quickly.

In the morning she woke up and said, " I slept in my beautiful big girl bed all night! I LOVE IT! My daddy made it for me!"

Aww. So far, so good. She stays in it all night, and still loves it. The only downside is that it is REALLY comfortable and I keep falling asleep in it when I lay down with her!

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