This weekend was the June Fete. Our awesome neighbor, Nicole, gave us tickets for admission. We headed over on Sunday and had a blast!
Livi pretends to not like rides. She cries and says no when you try to put her on, like she is starting to do in the pictures below. Once the ride starts, she warms up to it. After it is over, she says, "I have fun!" What a goober.
She really didn't want to do this one, and I'm not sure if she liked it, she never let go of the sides once it started moving. She still said, "I have fun!" though.
After the boats, I asked if she wanted to go on the cars. She whined and said no, but she LOVED it. She was smiling and waving. That was BIG fun.
Juli LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the roller coaster. (She's in the second car)
We convinced Livi to go on the dragons against her will. She was smiling and yelling wheee! Go figure. (They are the two little heads in the middle there.)
Livi wanted to go on the motorcycles with Juli, but she was too short. Maybe next year kiddo. Juli had a blast though.
We had some ice cream, played some games, made some sand art and spin art. Overall, it was a good day!