Saturday, June 13, 2009

So Sassy!

The girls needed haircuts so we headed to Sweet & Sassy for some pampering. I'm not sure I'm crazy about the quality of the cuts, but the girls really like it there. Juli asked if she could get her nails done, so we obliged. She was thrilled. She also got a shampoo instead of the spray bottle this time. I think we have a Diva in the making.

Oooh, sparkley!

After they did her nails, she got a glitter tattoo.

They do kids birthday parties and have "rockstar packages" and a catwalk/runway. Livi was gearing up for her modeling career.

Hopefully I'll be able to get a video uploaded here soon. Stupid blogger.

1 comment:

Amber said...

OMG - freaking adorable, but can I just say you are soooo going to have your hands full when Livi hits her preteen years. LMAO!