Friday, May 8, 2009

What a Nest

When I came home from work, I went to water the hanging plants on the front porch. Since James was putting in new windows on the front, I decided to take them down and take them to the water to get out of his way. Look what I found:

Yep, a nest in the middle of my hanging plant! There was a little speckled egg in it. I think it is a Robin's egg.

Update: It's been a week. There are now 2 eggs and no sign of the mommy bird. I think she might have abandoned the nest. :-(

1 comment:

Amber said...

Birds came every year and laid a nest in my hanging plants at my old house. You gotta be really careful watering, or the momma will get nervous and abandon. I had to get one of those long necked watering cans to get to the plant w/o disturbing them too much.

I eventually went to putting plastic snakes in my plants to keep them from doing it... worked pretty good! Scared my friend half to death when she went to water them while we were on vaca though! LOL!