Sunday, February 15, 2009

Giggleberry Fair

We headed up to Penns Purchase Outlets / Peddlers Village today. On a whim we decided to go into Giggleberry Fair. Juli was beside herself with glee when we walked in. She started yelling, "It's like a carnival, Mommy! It's like a carnival inside!!" So we grabbed some lunch and had some fun.

Here is Juli on giant game board. She was playing a music game at the time, but it also did dodge ball and other cool stuff.

Livi thought it was pretty cool too!

They have a fishing area with magnetic fishing poles and little fish and boats. Just as I was about to take Juli's picture her stool slipped out from under her and she fell in. I didn't realize I caught the picture until we got home later! Don't worry it was only a few inches deep.

Let's try that again.


Livi driving the farm truck.

Playing air hockey. I think Juli liked this game the best.

Next time, little one.

A mini-merry go round.



Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

That place looks like a lot of fun. Didn't you guys take Maddie there before?

Sandy said...

Yes, A LONG LONG time ago! LOL They have a big climbing place too, but I didn't want to send Juli in alone and I wasn't going with her! LOL

Amber said...

Sydney LOVES air hockey too. She always beelines for that when we go to Chuckie Cheese :)