Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve 2007

As usual we went to Uncle Rick & Aunt Mary's house for the traditional Italian Feast of the 7 Fishes. I didn't take as many pictures as usual. Believe it or not, as I was just looking through the pictures, I realized I didn't have a single picture of Dylan in there! He slept most of the time, so I didn't want to wake him up. I did hold him though, and compared to Livi he is like a little feather! So cute!

Here's the Rock Stars. They were playing some game where they were in a band.

Juli was a little shy for some reason. As soon as Nicole (a neighbor) came over she perked right up and they were inseperable!

Livi & Me

Juli opening her "Tato Head."
Unfortunately because all the babies were tired and cranky we didn't get family/group pictures. Maybe next year we should do those first. ;-)

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